We are moving from the world of reproducible data science (machine learning, area under the curve, a/b testing, model selection, model testing, model fitting and model drift to find the best way to run a data science organization) to being faced with the "Easy Button." This "Easy Button" is often wrong, has poor data protocols, and tries to please; without factual basis. Join Bob to explore ways to make the world better in the bridge from science to the new world of utterances. This session will include examples and experiences from IBM Watson, AI at GE Healthcare, AI at Microsoft, and...
Bob Rapp
Tech Fellow - AI and ML
AI Solution Group

Bob Rapp is a data scientist who began his journey in the 1980s with VR - both military and civilian. Bob has held positions at IBM (Watson) as a VP, at MIcrosoft in industry verticals with very large data sets (including telecommunications, automotive, and finance), and at GE Healthcare where he was involved in shipping the first ML models to find certain kinds of cancer. Today, Bob continues to blaze trails within AI/ML with professional curation in automotive, healthcare, and financial services.