Pre-Conference Training & Certification

Maximize your in-person learning and stay ahead of emerging trends in the industry by participating in a pre-conference training class. Provided by our partner, Coveros, each class is led by respected experts with years of practical experience. Our Powerhouse Pass includes a complete conference experience plus all of your training and certification fees, making it easy to maximize your learning experience—and your savings.

Visit for training-only options.

Sunday, June 2

AI for Testers

Sunday, June 2, 2024 - 8:30am to Monday, June 3, 2024 - 5:00pm

This hands-on course helps testers understand the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in testing and software quality assurance.

Fundamentals of AI—ICAgile Certification (ICP-FAI)

Sunday, June 2, 2024 - 8:30am to Monday, June 3, 2024 - 5:00pm

Unravel the complexities of machine learning and AI. Attendees will be awarded the ICAgile Professional- Foundations of AI (ICP-FAI) designation.