Speaker Tips

Speaker TipsHas your proposal been selected? Congratulations. Now the real work starts.

  • Be authentic. Your peers want original ideas in real-world scenarios, relevant examples, and knowledge transfer.
  • Practice makes perfect.  Remember to practice your talk to get the timing down so that you know your main message is not getting lost. Don’t include more slides than you have time for and be sure that your presentation is readable from the back row.
  • Standard presentation time slots are 45–60 minutes depending on the conference, including 10 minutes allotted for Q&A.
  • Here are some other great resources: Speaking
  • We encourage submitting technical papers that provide attendees with additional detail.
  • Each of our speakers receives a complimentary conference registration (a $2,195 value). You will be automatically registered for the two-day conference.
  • The contact information you provide with your submission will be used for all correspondence with you once you accepted. It should reflect the location where you can be reached throughout the conference planning process. Please notify us of any changes in your contact information immediately.